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RoyBatty wrote:Yes it is.

Post by jlf65 » Sat Aug 19, 2017 9:04 pm

[quote=RoyBatty]Yes it is.


Oh THANK GOD!! It's finally worth it to get the Rockets Red Glare and all upgrades in LR. I did that ONCE and the damn thing couldn't kill a bloatfly because of that damn bug!! I tried a number of the "fixes" on Nexus, but none ever worked right for me. Figures that it would take JIP to fix. Pass my thanks on to whomever fixed this.

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Vex wrote:

Post by Risewild » Sun Aug 20, 2017 5:54 am



Nurse Graves In Underworld should be a merchant (that sells medicine)

read the notes on this page (i dont know if you guys already did this, but she dont sell to me in my game)


That is not a bug, she was never set up as a merchant in FO3, she has no merchant inventory or anything. Basically, she is set up like any other not merchant NPC in the game.

The game has a lot of dialogue that doesn't match with the actual game.

For example:

The Megaton Water Processing Plant is not a water purifier and Walter still calls it a purifier (if it was a purifier then why is it necessary to use a GECK to make a purifier as the main objective and a life long project of a bunch of genius scientists, why can't Rivet City build a purifier too, why are all the water sources in Megaton still irradiated, why does Megaton need Aqua Pura shipments and why would they get so angry about a shipment delay, etc).

Sticky in Little Lamplight says everyone is kicked out when they turn 18, but everyone else says it is when they turn 16.

Etc. (I don't want to make a giant wall of text with examples cheeky)


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You guys are doing some sweet

Post by Brosephus » Sun Aug 20, 2017 7:39 pm

You guys are doing some sweet stuff.

Are bugfixing mods like YUP and Unofficial Patch+ going to be compatible/necessary with 3.0?

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YUP will be compatible (we

Post by Risewild » Mon Aug 21, 2017 3:26 am

YUP will be compatible (we already have a patch for it), UPP will not be compatible but it should be unnecessary, since we are now fixing FO3 bugs directly in TTW (not only did we already fix bugs that other patches address, TTW will already contain many bug fixes that were never fixed in other bug fixing patches and everything).


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Hard to say, I would think

Post by RoyBatty » Mon Aug 21, 2017 9:05 am

Hard to say, I would think most of them being NV mods won't have an issue per se. Anything that integrated weapons will need some kind of patch for vendor lists and maybe loot lists.


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hey guys, hope yall well. How

Post by Sethoria123 » Tue Aug 29, 2017 7:58 pm

hey guys, hope yall well. How will the installation differ from previous iterations of ttw? O rwill it be pretty simlar with more optional modules?

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There will probably be an

Post by ElectricaVulpes » Tue Aug 29, 2017 8:25 pm

There will probably be an installer like PN, and all the optional things will be turned on/off via MCM.

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No MCM currently until we can

Post by RoyBatty » Wed Aug 30, 2017 12:08 am

No MCM currently until we can solve some specific issues with game code.

The process will be very similar.


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I think it's great to hear

Post by EnderDragonFire » Wed Aug 30, 2017 4:14 am

I think it's great to hear Roy call the wiki false. It really shows how much attention the TTW team actually pays to the little things. Most people just assume (for some reason) that the fan-made Fallout Wiki is infallible. It gets used as a authoritative source far to often on the Nexus, YouTube, everywhere really. 

P.S. Sorry for getting off topic! I am still eagerly awaiting 3.0, and didn't have anything better to say. 

"Who are you, who do not know your history?"

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THanks for t he reply roy! I

Post by Sethoria123 » Wed Aug 30, 2017 2:33 pm

THanks for t he reply roy! I did have the itch to install 2.94 and all the mods, but with all these juicy changes ive had to resist! looking forward to 3.0 as well! <3

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