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How are the Fallout 3 fixes

Post by FiftyTifty » Sun Aug 06, 2017 9:20 pm

How are the Fallout 3 fixes being incorporated? By modifying the Fallout3.esm directly, or by chucking them into TaleOfTwoWastelands.esm?

Back when I made a rock removal mod, that disabled all the tiny non-collideable rocks in Fallout 3, the sheer number of record changes significantly slowed down the startup time (had to wait for the full sequence to finish before you could skip), and greatly increased cell loading hitches.

Patching the original bugged records ought to keep performance from going down.

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All patches are in

Post by RoyBatty » Sun Aug 06, 2017 10:48 pm

All patches are in taleoftwowastelands esm , there is no additional startup time because I do not script things like that.

All unnecessary changes to the vanilla esms have been reverted and moved to the taleoftwowastelands esm.

Navmeshes and null records that caused crashes are the only exceptions to the rule of not modifying the original esms, out side of the records present in the Fallout NV esms that have had the references redirected and duplicate records removed. That said, duplications are still present where the assets or other factors are different from Fallout 3, examples of this are Ants, Brahmin, packages, the static letters, sounds and other things which either don't work in Fallout 3 or change something audibly, visually or behaviorally.

As for balance, we're setting things up to have it both ways. Vanilla we be as was originally intended as much as possible. Optionals will enable things like integration and additional armors. Mods can address balance as per usual in the modding scene. TTW is setup as a baseline, and personal preferences can be built from there.


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RoyBatty wrote:

Post by FiftyTifty » Mon Aug 07, 2017 12:38 am


All patches are in taleoftwowastelands esm , there is no additional startup time because I do not script things like that.


That's not what was happening. The plugin only had a whole bunch of reference records that were disabled. Since there were so many changed records, starting New Vegas took much longer. No scripts, just a bunch of REFRs.

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Well TTW doesn't disable

Post by RoyBatty » Mon Aug 07, 2017 2:17 am

Well TTW doesn't disable 50000 records so it's not an issue. :)


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Are you rebalancing energy

Post by darious24555 » Wed Aug 09, 2017 10:31 pm

Are you rebalancing energy weapons to be like they where in 3? Switching between 3 and NV on Energy Weapons playthroughs shows a big difference in effectiveness. I'm guessing the change to DT from  DR had something to do with that. Especially laser weapons, doesn't make sense the pre-war military wanted to replace guns with laser and plasma when they aren't as much as an improvement as made out to be.

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darious24555 wrote:

Post by Risewild » Thu Aug 10, 2017 4:16 am



Are you rebalancing energy weapons to be like they where in 3? Switching between 3 and NV on Energy Weapons playthroughs shows a big difference in effectiveness. I'm guessing the change to DT from  DR had something to do with that. Especially laser weapons, doesn't make sense the pre-war military wanted to replace guns with laser and plasma when they aren't as much as an improvement as made out to be.


IIRC there is no information in the lore about the USA military wanting to replace guns with energy weapons. Most energy weapons were just being developed and made, so they were "rough" weapons made to be usable but they didn't get enough time before the bombs fell to be developed in a way that would surpass guns.

For example, the laser pistol was made to be sold to civilians, the plasma rifle was an adapted construction tool, plasma pistols weren't American, but came from Austria, the Gauss Rifle was German, etc. The USA military didn't seems to have much of an interest in energy weapons, and only started to look into it right before the bombs fell. wink


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The energy weapons are plenty

Post by RoyBatty » Thu Aug 10, 2017 1:27 pm

The energy weapons are plenty powerful with high energy skill, laser commander and/or Size Matters, Better Criticals and The Professional perks, and using OC or MC ammo. The exception is the laser rifle and pistol which could use a little boost. The plasma rifles are quite powerful, especially A3-21's.

The Alien weapons are also formidable with Xenotech Expert and high energy weapon skill.


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WastelandOverlord wrote:

Post by Risewild » Thu Aug 10, 2017 5:46 pm



The Winchester P94 is the industrial model, the one from the first two games. The rifle shown in Fallout 3 onward was the military-commissioned Plasma Rifle and was designed to be a weapon from the get-go. The Wattz laser rifle was in use by marines according to Future Weapons Today, and the newer laser models (AER_) were in the process of production and implementation when the Great War was ongoing, so there's sufficient enough evidence that the US military had planned to, if not replace conventional guns, install energy weapons as a staple part of their manpower.

That and energy weapons are just cooler :P


So just like I said, they were just being manufactured before the bombs fell, they weren't very "polished" yet. Guns have been improved and upgraded for centuries, the energy weapons were just in their infancy, so it makes sense they were still not superior or better than normal guns. Maybe on par, otherwise there was no point in the USA still have 95% of it's weapons being ballistic guns and having so many prototype energy weapons being made (AER14 prototype laser rifle, Tesla-Beaton prototype, MPLX Novasurge, Q-35 matter modulator, Pulse Gun, etc), because if Energy Weapons were already as good as ballistic ones, then there would be no reason to push so much research and prototypes for energy weapons (the great war was about resources being scarce, so why waste them into trying to improve energy weapons?), they would be mass manufactured and most of the troops equipped with them, which every game shows us (I don't know about Fallout 4 though, although that game lore contradicts itself sometimes) that didn't seem to happen (military guns are common, while military energy weapons are quite uncommon, for example, go into any pre-war military armory/fort/base that wasn't looted yet, and rarely we see even one energy weapon while we see many guns).


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hello all!

Post by Sethoria123 » Fri Aug 11, 2017 6:09 am

hello all!


I was just wondering, with the update changing various mods, needing an update script, Will it be only traders/weapon placement mods that will need the script? (i.e WMX) or will it include Project nevada and mods that effect graphics wholescale? will quest mods be  also effected (both ttw and new vegas)?


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Quest mods for new vegas will

Post by RoyBatty » Fri Aug 11, 2017 5:19 pm

Quest mods for new vegas will be unaffected. Graphics mods mostly unaffected except NPC stuff will need to carry over any changes to avoid bugs. Stuff that affects leveled lists will need work. Stuff that adds locations and what not that change navmeshes will need work. PN patch will need an update to carry fixes forward, in fact all mods need to be checked and any fixes carried forward.


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