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This is the last time I'm

Post by RoyBatty » Thu Sep 14, 2017 11:44 pm

This is the last time I'm going to reply about this. Any further comments from both of you will just be deleted, this thread is not for this discussion.

jlf65: You don't represent everyone, just because *you* don't have a problem with something that doesn't work doesn't mean *everyone* is fine with it. You won't even acknowledge it doesn't work, I'm done talking to you.

Panda: You're smart enough, you can figure out and google a bit the difference between direct frame buffering and deferred and what works with which and which does not. I'm not going to explain that to you, mostly because I'm not a directx programmer and couldn't, but I've done enough research to know the why of it.

People don't read, they don't read stickies, they don't read the front page, they don't read mod descriptions and they don't read readme's. Posting it is next to useless because most users think their problems are unique, do no research, and want personal attention.

Now enough of this in our dev log thread.


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RoyBatty wrote:

Post by Zetman » Fri Sep 15, 2017 7:10 pm






People don't read, they don't read stickies, they don't read the front page, they don't read mod descriptions and they don't read readme's. Posting it is next to useless because most users think their problems are unique, do no research, and want personal attention.



Actually most people do, I do, but because we don't run into problems because we read and avoid them we have no reason to post here, well except I guess to say thank you, I'll say it now, thank you, and thus we naturally go unaccounted for because we don't make ourselves known.  A silent majority is easy to overlook. 

Anyway, you seem really stressed.  Maybe take a break?  Things will get done soon enough.  There is no need to push yourself too hard.  Take it easy, TTW isn't worth the cost of your well being.  Look after your own well being first before thinking about TTW. 

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I'm just blunt, not stressed

Post by RoyBatty » Sat Sep 16, 2017 2:22 am

I'm just blunt, not stressed or grumpy usually. ;)

Thank you for your kind words, it is always appreciated. You are right, it is easy to overlook the silent majority, I guess it's because the ones who don't are the loudest and that tends to skew viewpoint.



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undead4life wrote:

Post by paragonskeep » Sat Sep 16, 2017 6:13 am



Keep being yourself Roy. Your bluntness and sense of professionalism are actually a little inspiring. In fact, it's an ethos that I feel permeates the team at large, and I commend it. The commentary here is a large part of what draws me to this site day after day; I feel like the people here are a little bit like me, and in an odd way I feel a kinship every time I see one of you guys lay into someone with some hard hitting truth.


...also, on an aside, I'm sure there must be dozens of us that read the stickies and instructions; dozens I say.


here here here here here here here here here here here here


He said "Dozens"? 

I heard "dozen" which is why there are 12 "here" 

If I add "etc" to the end does that count???????


If life is but a test, where's the damn answer key?!?!?

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When they're ready.

Post by darious24555 » Sun Sep 17, 2017 9:54 pm

When they're ready.

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They wont answer that

Post by Sethoria123 » Mon Sep 18, 2017 12:59 am

They wont answer that question, as A: its an ongoing project, We can predict when, but only they know, However! an educated guess would be considering there allready working beyond 3.0, would lead to a belief relativly soon. but as most modders allways say, they hate being asked when, as we have to remember, this is not a payed job, labour of love which i have mentioned before. I will give an exmaple check the skse sse64 fourms. they got closed down becuase of it! Im as anxious as the rest of us to see it, but logic is logic, it will be released when more bugs are crushed like rad roaches ^^ also B, when they say its ready is when they will tell us ^^ no half baked from these folks ive found!

DW there a good team from what ive seen and know there shit, its coming, just keep on waiting like me and many others, and we will soon be seeing both wastelands soon enough! (hoping for a nuclear winter if u get my drift ;) )


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Just reinstalled both F3 and

Post by ElectricaVulpes » Mon Sep 18, 2017 1:33 am

Just reinstalled both F3 and NV, but not going to even think of touching them till v3.

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hi guys, just found an error!

Post by Sethoria123 » Mon Sep 18, 2017 7:41 pm

hi guys, just found an error! i was going through the game unmodded (as when 3.0 most fallout 3 mods will need time to be updated) and when you get liberty prime walking from pentagon to the water purfifer, he gets stuck in the buildings, primarly after walking across the bridge, both before the cat walk, and then after. You can force place libery to your pos, but is this error fixed? as it happened several time to me about a year ago. Or is this just me :P

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Liberty Prime has always had

Post by ElectricaVulpes » Mon Sep 18, 2017 8:16 pm

Liberty Prime has always had problems with that part of the game, even in vanilla F3. Tho I usually have the problem with him becoming hostile to me for no reason, or getting stuck in the river by walking off the bridge, or just wandering away from the fighting. The AI in Fallout is pretty bad, unfortunately no one has been able to make it any better, so these kinds of problems will probably continue to happen until someone does.

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Figured as much. It took me a

Post by Sethoria123 » Mon Sep 18, 2017 11:49 pm

Figured as much. It took me a good hour or two to find the right method of doing it. its the definition of gamebreaking! thankfully the delveopers left in the console commands. But that is only a 50/50 as ive had liberty fall thorugh the floor, get stuck in buildings! Thankfully its not unique just to me! 

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