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Custom weapons extended

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Custom weapons extended

Post by wasdwasd12 » Mon May 02, 2022 4:02 am

You know one thing about fallout was I always like the idea of fallout introduce or reintroduce the pipe weapons they were these highly customizable junk weapons that you could make from household materials nearby you.

Because hey I can guarantee you if the world is blown to hell it's not like it's going to be high quality firearms all around the planet I mean most ammunition factories are gone and also gun manufacturing plants are also gone.

But if you play fallout 3 you realize that the lone wanderer can create highly useful and practical homemade weapons.

Now there's not a lot and each one is very unique and different in its own way with the introductory of Tale of two wastelands you all have also added the cryolator from fallout 4 into here and I'm really happy that y'all did that.

But I was wondering when we take into the account of all the homemade weapons you can make we have a rifle like weapon we have a unarmed type weapon we have a heavy gun sort of weapon and now we have the the cryo weapon.

Oh yeah we even have the dart gun.

But I was wondering also hoping and praying that even though it may not get made I want to address this can we get some kind of handmade automatic weapon that we could create from junk kind of like a submachine gun or some kind of a assault rifle I mean it would be really cool if y'all could kind of add a scope to the railway rifle .

I just think it would be pretty cool if there could be a handmade weapon for every category of the game we would get a handmade melee weapon a handmade energy weapon even a handmade automatic weapon.

Well hey just food for thought and if anybody kind of likes his idea please if you read this post a comment I want to know your ideas and even your suggestions or if you kind of think this would be something to do

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