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Brainstorming and ideas and maybe aliens

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Brainstorming and ideas and maybe aliens

Post by wasdwasd12 » Thu Apr 07, 2022 4:15 pm

So I'm very torn on the fallout 76 I mean they're trying to cram so much stuff and I think that it's just kind of messing with the lore.

Like they're making expeditions into the pit and like wait a minute isn't the Lord from fallout 3 that the brotherhood came to the pit maybe shortly before the event so fallout 3 and fallout 76 takes place even before the first fallout game so how can the brotherhood go to the pit way back then if they're just talking about going to it during the event a fallout 3.

Also does anybody think that any kind of mods could be made to expand the alien presence I mean haha 76 got like a whole thing with the aliens and it's kind of interesting. I wonder if anybody would make any mods for Kayla to wastelands that could expand the alien presents like maybe something from monster mom give them more creatures to attack and what not I've always liked the old monster Mart where they hat like the terminators and the aliens from the actual alien TV series for movie series.

Okay so I kind of want to poke everybody's brain if there is something from fallout 76 that you could see probably incorporated into Tale of two wastelands what would you guys like to see.

I've always liked the mod ties that bind because I like the idea of the lone wanderer and the family that can traverse the wasteland with him

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