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Dogmeat Attacking me after hes been dismissed

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Dogmeat Attacking me after hes been dismissed

Post by wasdwasd12 » Sat Feb 17, 2024 10:33 am

I noticed sometimes That dogmeat will attack me if he is dismissed and I try to recruit him??

Has anyone Notice this I was just wondering what would cause something like this

This is my load Order

"0001","+","Tale of Two Wastelands"
"0002","+","FNV Diagnostics"
"0003","+","Ani_AKSeries kNVSE Set"
"0004","+","AWO Caravan Shotgun Replacer"
"0005","+","Better Weapon Repair Kit Recipe"
"0006","+","Classic Computers - FNV Edition"
"0007","+","Cursor Unilaterially Matched (NVSE) - Vanilla"
"0008","+","Easy Hacking"
"0009","+","FO76 Style Mutation TTW Patch V 1.10"
"0010","+","FO76 Style Mutations V 1.12"
"0011","+","FOV Slider"
"0012","+","Gear Lists - MCM"
"0013","+","Headshot Sounds Like In CSGO"
"0014","+","Iron Sights FOV (Zoom) Adjuster"
"0016","+","JIP LN NVSE Plugin"
"0017","+","JIP Realistic Weapon Overheating"
"0018","+","JohnnyGuitar NVSE"
"0020","+","Metro Carriage Interiors TTW"
"0021","+","NVAC - New Vegas Anti Crash"
"0022","+","NVDLC04 Ending No Rep Change"
"0023","+","perk every level no cap fixed"
"0024","+","Perk Sorter"
"0025","+","RE8 Scrap Replacer"
"0026","+","Reload Reloaded"
"0027","+","Root 'n Loot TTW"
"0028","+","SUP NVSE"
"0029","+","Sweet 6 Shooter Perks - TTW - NV"
"0030","+","The Weapon Mod Menu"
"0032","+","TTW - 3.3 - Dual Wasteland Street Lights"
"0033","+","TTW - Sink Recipe Overhaul"
"0034","+","TTW Essential Caravan Merchants"
"0035","+","TTW radiation effect"
"0036","+","TTW RCM Plus 1.1"
"0037","+","TTW Reputations"
"0038","+","Visible Bobblehead Perks - TTW"
"0039","+","Better Hacking"
"0040","+","Cigarettes Replacement Red boxes"
"0041","+","Edited Nostromo Terminal Sounds"
"0042","+","FNV Clean Animations"
"0043","+","FNV Clean Animations update"
"0044","+","Hit's Anims - Season 2"
"0045","+","Hitmisc. - hitman47101's kNVSE Animations on Other Vanilla Weapons"
"0046","+","Improved Console (NVSE)"
"0047","+","JIP MiniMap"
"0048","+","Splinter cell NVG activated sound replacement for Pip-Boy Light and Changing vision mode"
"0049","+","TTW New Vegas Speech Checks Rep patch"
"0051","+","Cyberware 2281 TTW patch"
"0052","+","Cyberware 2291 1.3.3"
"0053","+","TTW 3.3 Fast Trouble on the Homefront"
"0055","+","CharGen Menu Unilaterally Matched"
"0056","+","Hit's Anims - Animation Fixes"
"0057","+","Main Title Unilaterally Matched"
"0058","+","NVTF - New Vegas Tick Fix"
"0059","+","The Mod Configuration Menu"
"0060","+","TTW Crop Enable Parenting Fix"
"0061","+","TTW New Vegas Speech Checks"
"0062","+","TTW Radio Script Runner"
"0063","+","TTW Merged Collectable Quests"
"0064","+","Fallout New Vegas Vanilla hat fix"
"0065","+","FO4 Style Aliens"
"0066","+","Hit's Anims - Season 3"
"0067","+","hitman47101's Hit kNVSE Animation sets - TTW Patches"
"0068","+","Pipboy Custom 3002"
"0069","+","Respawning Containers"
"0070","+","The HUD Editor"
"0071","+","The Megaton Walkway - TTW"
"0072","+","TTW Mod Conversion Repository Lone Wanders theme"
"0073","+","Weapon Mod Vending Machines - TTW"
"0074","+","WMVM Re-oganized TTW 3.3.1"
"0075","+","JAM - Just Assorted Mods"
"0077","+","ROOGNVSE Plugin"
"0078","+","Ani_Cyberpunk Malorian Arms 3516 kNVSE Set"
"0079","+","BLEED TTW"
"0080","+","Daily Vendor Restock"
"0081","+","DC Arsenal - TTW Mojave Weapon Distribution - Lore Friendly"
"0082","+","Exclamation Mark Error Remover"
"0083","+","Final Boss - The Ebony Warrior of FNV"
"0084","+","Fuckable Companions"
"0085","+","Hit - .357 Magnum Revolver Anim Set - kNVSE"
"0086","+","Hit - .357 Magnum Revolver Lucky Anim Set - kNVSE"
"0087","+","Hit - 10mm Pistol Anim Set - kNVSE"
"0088","+","Hit - 10mm Pistol Anim Set - kNVSE Vamilla Fire rate"
"0089","+","Hit - 10mm SMG Anim Set - kNVSE"
"0090","+","Hit - 9mm Pistol Anim Set - kNVSE"
"0091","+","Hit - Hunting Rifle Anim Set - kNVSE"
"0092","+","Hit - Hunting Shotgun Anim Set - kNVSE"
"0093","+","Hit - Sniper Rifle Anim Set - kNVSE"
"0094","+","Hit - Varmint Rifle Anim Set - kNVSE"
"0095","+","Intimacy Overhaul"
"0096","+","Intimacy Overhaul high res"
"0097","+","Intimacy Overhaul TTW Fuckable companions TTW patch"
"0098","+","Intimacy Overhaul TTW Paradison Main"
"0099","+","Intimacy Overhaul TTW patch"
"0100","+","People of Paradiso"
"0101","+","ISControl Enabler and Ironsights adjuster (now ESPless)"
"0102","+","More Perks Reimagined (Main)"
"0103","+","More Perks Reimagined (Patch)"
"0104","+","No More Explosions Blindness"
"0105","+","Pointlight Flashlight (and Piplight)"
"0106","+","Prim's Eye Retexture FNV-TTW"
"0107","+","ShowOff NVSE"
"0108","+","ShowOff NVSEini"
"0109","+","Sound Extender"
"0110","+","TTW NVG Brightness Increase"
"0112","+","Vault Girl Bobble Heads - Official Release"
"0113","+","WMVM - DLC Support"
"0114","+","1. Consistent Pip-boy Icons"
"0115","+","2. Consistent Pip-boy add on Icons"
"0116","+","3. CPI - Mod Patches"
"0117","+","ACE - Ammunition and Crafting Expanded"
"0118","+","Ani_AKSeries Heffy 3rd Person Anims"
"0119","+","Anniversary Anim Pack - WMIM TTW Patch"
"0120","+","Another Ghoul Variant Mod"
"0121","+","Clean Roads TTW or Vanilla"
"0122","+","ACE - TTW"
"0123","+","Better Time And Needs"
"0124","+","Butcher Pete Complete - A Melee Animation Overhaul"
"0125","+","Configurable essential followers and caravans TTW"
"0126","+","Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v4"
"0127","+","Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v5 - Apparel"
"0128","+","Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v5 - Framework Plugin"
"0129","+","Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v5 - Items"
"0130","+","Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v5 - Weapons"
"0131","+","Convenient Weapon Mod Vending Machines - TTW"
"0133","+","DC Arsenal - TTW Mojave Weapon Distribution Ini"
"0134","+","Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v5 - DLC's Items"
"0135","+","Dead Money Tweaks DMT x consistent pip-boy icons - Weapons and Apparel Icons"
"0136","+","DMT - Dead Money Tweaks - Complete Overhaul"
"0137","+","DMT - Dead Money Tweaks - Complete Overhaul Patches"
"0138","+","DMT - Dead Money Tweaks - Complete Overhaul TTW Patches"
"0139","+","DMT Assets"
"0140","+","DMT Main File"
"0141","+","ELITE 45 Auto Pistol Animation Overhaul (kNVSE)"
"0142","+","FNV Mod Limit Fix"
"0143","+","Friends With Benefits Perk Pack"
"0144","+","Hit's Anims - Vanilla Fire Rates"
"0145","+","Iron Sights Aligned"
"0146","+","Leave No Witnesses"
"0147","+","Lime's Old Mormon Fort Overhaul"
"0148","+","LLPL - Low Level Point Lookout"
"0149","+","lStewieAl's Tweaks and Engine Fixes"
"0150","+","Map Marker Icons"
"0151","+","NV Novac Apartment"
"0152","+","Realistic Stealth Overhaul ESPless"
"0153","+","Rendezvous at Union (TTW)"
"0154","+","RNC - Quicksilver Flamethrower kNVSE Animation Set"
"0155","+","SIGMA - Melee animation overhaul - Chapter 1 - kNVSE"
"0156","+","Start with the Educated and Comprehension Perks"
"0157","+","Stewie Tweaks INI"
"0158","+","The Mod Configuration Menu MCM Bugfix"
"0159","+","The Pitt Expansion v2.5b TTW3.3.2"
"0160","+","TTW - Bypass Tranquility Lane"
"0161","+","TTW - The Lone Courier's Dialogue 1.4"
"0162","+","Universal Item Sorter"
"0163","+","MCM Unilaterally Matched"
"0164","+","USSA EMU SUIT NV"
"0165","+","Zooming Scope"
"0166","+","2K Art Loading Screens"
"0167","+","Hit - Millenia Animations - Part 1"
"0168","+","Wasteland Cusine"
"0169","+","Universal Pip-Boy Customization"
"0170","+","Official Pipboy Readius - New Vegas Edition"
"0171","+","Old World Readius Retexture"
"0172","+","Ghost MW2019 Armor (Jawbones)"
"0173","+","Depth of Field Fix - NVSE"
"0175","+","STARS TTW - Sweet's Total Armor Rework System"
"0176","+","ADO - Armor Damage Overhaul"
"0177","+","JIP Localized Damage Fix"
"0179","+","Hit - Power Armor Pip-Boy Anim"
"0180","+","Tranquility Lane Pipboy Glove and Custom Race Fix"
"0181","+","Wasteland Soldier Redux NV"
"0182","+","Wasteland Soldier - NV Edition"
"0183","+","aMidianBorn NV Book Of Water"
"0184","+","Book of Steel - Compatibility Edition"
"0185","+","Tammer's NIF-Bashed Armor Mega-Pack v4.8"
"0186","+","NivSpiceofLife-V 1_2"
"0187","+","Deus Specs"
"0188","+","The BLACKJACK Pack"
"0189","+","Power Armor Visual Enhancement 2K"
"0191","+","DogTooth Enclave Officer"
"0192","+","Unique Troublemaker Outfit-Nightstalker Set"
"0193","+","Classic Fallout Metal Armor"
"0194","+","Metal Armor MkI"
"0195","+","Classic Fallout 2 Metal armor Mk II"
"0196","+","Veronica Outfit Replacer"
"0197","+","Classic Combat Armor Replacer Redux"
"0198","+","Classic Combat Armor Replacer TTW"
"0199","+","Classic Fallout 2 combat armor Mark 2 (remastered)"
"0200","+","Classic Combat Armor Replacer Combined (TTW)"
"0201","+","Tribal Power Helmet - Definitive Edition"
"0202","+","Courier Duster Replacer"
"0203","+","GP-5 Gasmask"
"0204","+","NCR Commando"
"0205","+","Ballistic Skull Mask"
"0206","+","The Lone Wanderer - TTW and NV"
"0207","+","Waster Gear - TTW - FNV"
"0208","+","FO76 backpacks"
"0209","+","Canvas Backpacks - FNV - TTW"
"0210","+","Petal Gasmask"
"0211","+","DVA - Distributed Variety Armors - Hats Headgears Accessories"
"0212","+","Classic Fallout Tesla armor"
"0213","+","Arsthetiu's Armoire - A Nif-Bashed Armour Collection"
"0214","+","Searchlight Firefighter Outfit"
"0215","+","Mercenary Wanderer"
"0216","+","Classic Tesla Armor"
"0217","+","Fallout Revelation Blues Mega Armor Pack"
"0218","+","Fallout Tactics Brotherhood Metal Armor Integration"
"0219","+","Fallout The Odyssey Mega Armor Pack"
"0220","+","KORs Pistol Harness"
"0221","+","Geonox Riot Armor - Female Version -"
"0222","+","Geonox Riot Armor"
"0223","+","AKIRAMORI Tactical Gloves"
"0224","+","Altyn Helmet - Retro Tactical Headgear"
"0225","+","Wasteland Seeker Armor"
"0226","+","WW2 M1 Helmets"
"0227","+","Psycho Armor and Mask"
"0228","+","The Road Warrior Armor"
"0229","+","Wasteland Stealth Armor NV"
"0230","+","Bone Harvester - Tribal Cannibal"
"0231","+","Modern Gunslinger Armor"
"0232","+","Salvaged Armor"
"0233","+","Classic Leather Armor Replacer for Leather Armor"
"0234","+","Classic Lightweight Leather Armor Replacer"
"0235","+","PipBoyOn Node Fixes"
"0236","+","PipBoyOn Node Fixes SMIM"
"0237","+","PipBoyOn Node Fixes TTW"
"0238","+","Tesla Armor Mods x consistent pip-boy icons - Classic Tesla Armor Icons"
"0239","+","Helmet Overlay"
"0240","+","Helmet Overlay - Revelation Blues Armor Pack Patch"
"0241","+","Fallout 4 Power Armor Features"
"0242","+","Playable Pip-Boy Glove"
"0244","+","Mannequin Races"
"0245","+","Mannequin Races - TYPE4"
"0246","+","TYPE4 - Body and Armors (other)"
"0247","+","TYPE4 - Body and Armors bnb"
"0248","+","BittercupRedux And Friend new Look TTW"
"0249","+","Bittercup Companion - Redux"
"0250","+","Hair Patcher Two"
"0251","+","Two Wastelands Redesigned - TTW - Project Beauty and NVR2"
"0252","+","NVR BNW REDESiGNed - TYPE4"
"0267","+","CFEE - A Complete Companion Overhaul"
"0268","+","No DLC Blockers CFEE"
"0270","+","D.C. NPCs TTW"
"0272","+","Compatibility Workaround CFEE"
"0273","+","Ties that Bind Main"
"0275","+","Stinger - Energy Drink for the Wastes"
"0276","+","Cookable Foods"
"0277","+","Cookable Foods TTW patch"
"0278","+","Vanilla Recipes Expanded for Food and Aid (LMs VRE)"
"0279","+","Vanilla Recipes Expanded Flour Patch"
"0281","+","Special Candy Bars"
"0282","+","Cigarettes as Usable Chems"
"0283","+","Corn Flour"
"0284","+","JIP Improved Recipe Menu ESPless"
"0285","+","More Cooking Recipes"
"0286","+","TTW Cooking Revolution"
"0287","+","Drug Synthesizer - Reloading Bench for Chems TTW version"
"0288","+","Future Fallout Chems"
"0289","+","HiRes Water Bottle Textures and Meshes"
"0290","+","Light Up and Smoke Those Cigarettes (and Cigars and Cigarillos)"
"0291","+","Light Up and Smoke Those Cigarettes (and Cigars and Cigarillos) dead money patch"
"0292","+","Cowboy Coffee and Coffee Grounds"
"0293","+","Flour Retexture"
"0294","+","Beer Whiskey and Wine 2048k"
"0295","+","HI-RES Chems and Health Re-Texture"
"0296","+","Bottle Brahmin Milk NV"
"0297","+","Drug Synthesizer TTW - Replacer"
"0298","+","Flamer fuel alcohol recipes"
"0299","+","Nuka World Imports - a Nuka Cola Overhaul"
"0300","+","Nuka World Imports - a Nuka Cola Overhaul (Glowing)"
"0301","+","Nuka World Imports - a Nuka Cola Overhaul ttw patch"
"0303","+","Call of Duty Zombies - Ray Gun"
"0304","+","Call of Duty The Pitt Steel Weapons"
"0305","+","Hotline Miami Mask And Call of duty BO3 Patch"
"0306","+","Call Of Duty Infinite Warfare Weapon Pack"
"0307","+","Craftable Fire Bombs"
"0308","+","FireBomb Explodes on Impact - Honest Hearts DLC"
"0309","+","ICBRifle - Rocket Automatic Kalashnikov"
"0310","+","Throwing Recivables Reforged"
"0311","+","[Titanfall weapon pack"
"0312","+","Operation Anchorage Khvostov Assualt Rifle"
"0313","+","Operation Anchorage Remington 870 Shotgun"
"0314","+","Operation Anchorage M60-M60E3"
"0315","+","Operation Anchorge Snow Owl Sniper Rifle"
"0316","+","m110 sass sniper rifle"
"0317","+","M24 sniper rifle"
"0318","+","USP Match"
"0319","+","Light Machine Gun Replacer (BOCW Stoner 63)"
"0320","+","B42 Bows"
"0321","+","1911 - Midnight"
"0323","+","Grenade Machineguns Reborn - Weapon Overhaul"
"0324","+","Malorian 3516 - The King's Rebel Path"
"0325","+","Malorian 3516 12.7 pistol replacer"
"0326","+","Malorian Arms 3516 TTW DC Plugin"
"0327","+","Space Force Blood Dragon Weapons (zeta)"
"0328","+","Arsenal Weapon Overhaul - Laser RCW"
"0329","+","AWO - BAR and FND (optional automatic rifle replacer)"
"0330","+","VIP - Military and Advanced Automatic Rifles - a BAR and FND Overhaul"
"0331","+","FN SCAR Mk17 Mk20 Project"
"0332","+","Hawkmoon (Captain Sidearm MZ DLC TTW)"
"0333","+","Lee Enfield Mk 1 Rifle"
"0334","+","Patchy's Doggone Law Dog TTW"
"0335","+","B42 Bows Crafting"
"0336","+","B42 Bows x consistent pip-boy icons - Bows and Perk Icons"
"0337","+","Fallout 3 Unique items Overhaul TTW 3.3"
"0338","+","Fallout 3 Unique Items Overhaul Patch"
"0339","+","Swatt Master A Point Lookout Weapon Unique"
"0341","+","GaussPistol TTW D"
"0342","+","C.A.R and OUR Friends"
"0343","+","B42 Melee Bash"
"0344","+","Crossbow Overhaul"
"0345","+","FNV Crossbow"
"0346","+","Akimbo 9mm Pistol"
"0347","+","Akimbo 9mm Pistol bashed patch"
"0348","+","Hog Weapon Pack TTW"
"0349","+","B42 bash patch"
"0350","+","B42 Quickthrow patch"
"0351","+","Deus Ex Weapon Spread"
"0352","+","Underbarrel grenade launcher"
"0353","+","Another Millenia 2.4.3"
"0354","+","Another Millenia Hotfix"
"0355","+","Another Millenia - TTW Unique Placements"
"0356","+","NVWO Akimbo Framework"
"0357","+","SIGMA - Akimbo Ranger Sequoias - kNVSE"
"0358","+","SIGMA - Akimbo revolvers - kNVSE"
"0359","+","Akimbo 9mm animations"
"0360","+","NV - TTW NVWO Akimbo Framework Patch"
"0361","+","SIGMA -Akimbo Lever-Action Shotguns - kNVSE"
"0362","+","SIGMA - Akimbo revolvers JAM Sprint Patch"
"0363","+","Fatigue Overhaul - Non-Lethal and Pacifism Redone"
"0364","+","Wicked Pistols Pack"
"0365","+","B42 Quickthrow"
"0366","+","EVP - B42 Throwables Patch - Glowing Stuck Axes"
"0367","+","Cyberware 2281 - B42 Quickthrow 3.1b Patch []"
"0368","+","SIGMA -Akimbo Lever-Action Shotguns - kNVSE B42 Bashed Patch"
"0370","+","AWO Marksman Carbine Replacer"
"0371","+","B42 Optics TTW Patches"
"0372","+","B42 Optics - ESPless"
"0373","+","B42 Optics NV Patches"
"0374","+","B42 Optics reticle variety"
"0375","+","Akimbo 10mmPistol Add-on"
"0376","+","NVRA - M1 Carbine"
"0411","+","A World Of Pain 6.94"
"0412","+","Death Throes - Reactive Ragdolls"
"0414","+","TTW 3.3 Project Nevada Super Mutant Weapon Fix"
"0415","+","Vanilla UI Plus (New Vegas)"
"0416","+","4. Vanilla UI Plus Patch"
"0417","+","Forno and VK's Vault Girl Interface Patch Compendium"
"0418","+","Forno and VK's Vault Girl Interface Patch Compendium Cyberwear Tweak"
"0419","+","Forno and Fluffle Puss' Sexy Vault Girl Perks 0.8"
"0420","+","Tribal Style Loading Screen Animation Replacer"
"0421","+","VK's Commission Shares - Tina Armstrong's Cowgirl Outfit"
"0422","+","LD's Containers Respawn"
"0423","+","Bullet Time Improved - a JAM addon"
"0424","+","Kid Mode Simulator"
"0425","+","Hitman Suit NV"
"0426","+","UIO - User Interface Organizer"
"0427","+","Viewmodel Recoil 0.308"
"0428","+","NVTF - New Vegas Tick Fix - Fix Out of Memory"
"0429","+","B42 Interact - Animated Items and Interactions Framework - ESPless"
"0430","+","B42 Interact"
"0431","+","Alt's Animation - B42 Inject - Special Candy Bars"
"0432","+","Animated Ingestibles - B42 Inject Patch"
"0434","+","B42 Inject - Animated Item Use - ESPless"
"0435","+","Hit - B42 Interact Animation Pack"
"0436","+","Hit - B42 Inject Animation Pack - Season 1"
"0437","+","Hit - B42 Inject - Water Animations"
"0438","+","Hit - B42 Inject - Meat Animations"
"0439","+","Hit - B42 Inject - Assorted Items 1"
"0440","+","Hit - B42 Inject - Sunset Sarsaparilla Animations"
"0441","+","Forno and VK's Sexy Vault Girl Bobble Heads - B42 Interact Patch"
"0442","+","Fast Travel From Interior"
"0443","+","Atomic Audio Overhaul"
"0444","+","Atomic Audio Overhaul - TTW Compability"
"0445","+","Atomic Audio Overhaul - Enhanced Combat Music"
"0446","+","Atomic Audio Overhaul - BioShock Rapture Radio"
"0447","+","MW2019 Technician Gloves"
"0448","+","MW2019 Roze Virago Update"
"0449","+","B42 Quickthrow patch AKIMBO Shotguns"
"0450","+","VGU Armor Sets (Nano Suit and Halo)"
"0451","+","Ghouls Inflict Radiation Damage - ESPless"
"0557","+","Martigen's Mutant Mod TTW"
"0558","+","Ties That Bind CFEE Patch"
"0559","+","Jacobstown Reputation"
"0560","+","Jacobstown Reputation - Friends With Benefits"
"0562","+","NV Compatibility Skeleton"
"0563","+","Power Armor Footstep Sound - Clean and Easy (NV and TTW)"
"0564","+","Simple Night Vision - ESPless"
"0565","+","Desert Natural Weathers - NV - TTW"
"0566","+","Unique Dogmeat - TTW"

WEll Still just was wondering what would cause that

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Posts: 625
Joined: Mon May 03, 2021 4:19 am

Re: Dogmeat Attacking me after hes been dismissed

Post by Laclongquan » Sun Feb 18, 2024 4:19 am

You having a 566 load order list and you wonder why you have bug?
nobody can help you, pal, not with that kind of load order list.
IT's not even certain that the latest mod, that 566th unique dogmeat, being the cause.
Because its 566 mods, man. Who know how many mods affect which variable that lead to Dogmeat being rabid like that~

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