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MS13/Mesmetron and Strictly Profitable

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MS13/Mesmetron and Strictly Profitable

Post by leeroy » Sat Apr 30, 2022 8:39 am

I am trying to make mesmetron compatible with NV NPCs. The idea is that in F3, for whatever reason, some DLC NPCs can still be enslaved, despite it being classified as a glitch or an oversight, this still works on both console and PC. I figured that this could work on any NPC, as long as they have MS13CanMezz and MS13AlwaysMezz(for convenience) faction tag. However, a quick test on NCR in primm and jackals outside nevada police station have shown me that's not the case, the NPCs are indeed stunned, but do not enter conversation with me to get enslaved(they simply talk to me like they normally would, in case of named NCR npcs they enter conversation like they normally would). Looking deeper into the geck, their scripts tab lacks MS13 conversation options that would let them be enslaved. As far as I know, there is no overhaul mod that lets you enslave any NPC, so I am forced to jury rig a manual solution if I care enough, question is, how would these conversation options be added to these NPCs in Mojave? I should add that I actually gotten the tribals in point lookout enslaved before, which as far as I know, isn't possible on console or without mods on PC, so that's what gave me the idea that this should be possible, I don't really know what the difference between the NV NPCs I couldn't enslave and the tribals was, tho. Any assistance would be appreciated.

Edit: I got it figured out. It turns out adding both the factions was precisely it, I accidentally only added in "Can Mezz" faction to the tribal while adding only "Always Mezz" faction to NV NPCs. Adding both seems to have done the trick, random jackal leader made their way to paradise falls and I can confirm it because I got the "Human Resources" popup a while ago. I suggest adding this as an optional ESP in future releases(and if possible, take away the YUP dependency. I don't run it, and I had to "spoof" it to remove the dependency in FNVEdit, it will be a pain installing newer TTW mods in the future if it remains a requirement, so I would request you keep the YUP module as an optional release rather than a hard requirement)

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