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Very own personal loading screens

General mod discussion and requests.
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Very own personal loading screens

Post by wasdwasd12 » Sat Apr 23, 2022 7:45 am

If I got this link right this should take you to a page on the Nexus that shows you how to make your own loading screen mods.

I thought about making a custom one for Kayla to wasteland 3.2 I had some ideas of what I wanted to do and I think I wanted to make like a beastiary loading screen lot you know just a month fill to the brim with loading screens at the mutated creatures and the creature fan art of the community you know I want to make sure I add more than 20 different pictures.

Has anyone ever thought about making their own custom loading screen mod for the game I love the ideal of Tale two wasteland.

I would love to just probably find some real world places also in DC and add them to the mod and also some real world places of the Mojave and also add them to the mod.

I probably am going to need another day off because I'm pretty sure I might spend hours trying to figure it out again. Really learning mod organizer ignited my love of learning new tech and new ideas to further my fallout modding skills.

I think I'm far from truly calling myself a modder but.... If anyone has any ideas for loading screens mods please submit them here I would really like to get a discussion going. And also I would love to collab with some other people if they're interested.
This game is all about making it your own personal thing and enjoying it well the modding section of it I believe the base game it's perfect.

So again if there's any ideas anybody's always wanted to try or float around for a loading screen mod let me know. If I can request some time off and probably learn how to do this maybe I could take requests.

It would be really cool to add a whole bunch of anime pictures of gundams and like anime characters and power armor for a mod for the loading screens LOL

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