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Want to Build a Tag and Bag Mod

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Want to Build a Tag and Bag Mod

Post by charwo » Thu Mar 31, 2022 10:48 pm

I've goitten a new computer after years and I want to build my own non lethal mod. Most are too cumbersome or or unwieldy for a truly non-viable pacifist playstyle where you actually do all the quests. Even near death, takes too long for processing and you can only do one at a time. I'd rather sacrifice immersion for something reliable. Because I don't have any scripting experience and scripting makes no sense to me at all (the best I can explain is is I can't do deductive reasoning and have to understand the logic and grammar of the entire system before any given operation in it makes any sense and that's if I can remember the logic and or commands) I'm hoping I can get at least some help.

So here's what I want to do: I want to take the unconscious menus option from Loot the Unconscious but apply it to EVERYTHING.
Humans/Ghouls/Supermutants can be enslaved arrested or turned in for bounty,
animals can be captured for the Thorn/DC fighting pits
Ferals can be captured for humane disposal for small NCR/Brotherhood rep boost or turned over to the Followers who will conduct cure experiments, which will get you a paltry finders fee or like 10 caps and some minor karma

I wanted to have butchering as an option, which would always give you high quality pelts, TWO deathclaw hands, a boatload of meat
Or crafting a very expensive collar where you could capture very dangerous exotic animals (deathclaws, east coast super mutants, trogs, aliens)

In any case, once a target is down, you open the menu, select their fate and they instantly disappear right then and there, then die off screen for any quest and respawn purposes, payouts happen right then and there and you get all of their inventory so any quest items they had are not lost. I know it would be better to have a special drop box somewhere but I want something robust certainly in the proof of concept stage.

Right now, no perks, I just need to know how Fatigue Loot the Unconscious triggers it's menu box when activating unconscious bodies. Then I need to know how to get the NPCs to disappear. I don't think despawning will work. I think they have to die and I don't want them to die in front of the players eyes, that defeats the idea you are arresting them or hauling them in for bounty.

But is that the case? If so, is there a test cell or something I could teleport them where they couldn't muck things up in the split second before they die by script? And also, I want to make sure they respwn in their original location, not where they died. For those that respawn.

And of curse the command for receiving their on death inventory so no quests are broken.

Reputation can come later, those are the basics for now. I need something I can clear the entire Super Duper Mart with. Tag bag, the whole crew, just like the slavers in Rockopolis but they're going to jail some place just outside the Capital Wasteland or something.

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