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Playing with Continuity

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I say you make it an option

Post by Kayden » Mon Aug 19, 2013 11:38 pm

I say you make it an option like at the beginning of the game choose when the train becomes operational.

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@wfpeterson: Yes, Tricky's

Post by TJ » Tue Aug 20, 2013 3:17 pm

@wfpeterson: Yes, Tricky's speaking of how the team is proceeding with this, and there is actually a whole forum here dedicated to the team and the inner workings of TTW. If everyone had access all of the mystique of future releases would be gone. Do you really want new versions of TTW to not have suprises for you? (Trust me there's a prize packed in every box.)


  1. That after the destruction of the oil rig at the end of Fallout 2, some if not nearly all remaining Enclave forces used the rail system to travel to the East Coast and escape the NCR. Whether the Enclave already was established at Raven Rock and had control of the mobile base crawler we don't know. Maybe it doesn't really matter.


They never really covered it, but I'd always gotten the impression the Enclave had always had splinter cells all over the country. To bring this in line with TTW, it's not hard to imagine their main forces riding the rails to a safer hideout across the country, away from the budding NCR. Granted Enclave ideals tell us they would only be recouping to take back that part of their country, hence guarding the station, and sabotaging the rails. "I broke it. I know what's wrong with it. I'll fix it when I need it. You on the other hand have no clue." Also states in several places the NCR has a strong interest in getting the rails up and running again all the way to the core region, which fits too. Just my take, but I think it fits.

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No, I wouldn't go so far as

Post by wfpeterson » Thu Aug 22, 2013 5:55 am

No, I wouldn't go so far as to ask you to spill all the development secrets, most of my question was prompted by TrickyVein being listed as "Moderator" which doesn't necessarily mean developer. At the time (3 days on the board) I was hoping that there might be one forum or thread where developer feedback with the troops happened. I realize now how small this group is and how little traffic the board has.

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Tircky is a full team member

Post by chucksteel » Thu Aug 22, 2013 6:20 am

  1. Tricky is a full team member and a dev of the project!

  2. yes the team is small!

  3. We fully intend to flesh out the story between the two games once we get all of the basics right!

  4. This forum, community may be no where near the size of the nexus but we have many of the best of the best FO modders spending there time on the site. In the chats without all the douche bags! Some of the nexus moderators help out from time to time and many others just look in to see our progress!

I find your attitude distasteful and disrespectful with all we have accomplished! The project is going to take some time and you demanding to have it the way you want with a full back story is just ludicrous.

Also with only 3 days on the boards you don't know Jack about the team and how much effort we put into TTW to make the games better for you! 

Jax and myself have spent over one year on TTW mostly by ourselves! only recently have we started to get some real! Really good help! 

I invite you to go off and find a site that merges FO3 and FNV into one game! Has a stand up community and a team that supports the project. If you can find one let me know I might want to join that team! 

We also have a full forum for dev input and user feedback! we care what most of you think! 

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Calm down Chuck have a beer

Post by Risewild » Thu Aug 22, 2013 9:06 am

Calm down Chuck have a beer on me and kick some gnomes to relax, also pet a couple deathclaws and polish your tiny robot army, that always seems to have a calming effect. .

wfpeterson was just acknowledging that when he asked if Tricky was speaking for the team he was only here for three days and didn't realized how small the team was and thought that the site had a much bigger community so he assumed that it would have a part of it for developers to talk about the project to the rest of the community. But now that the has been here for eleven days he knows that the team does not have enough hands to spend on writing those things and stuff ... I got tired of typing xD.

In the end I think you just misunderstood him Chuck .


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Maybe your Right rise maybe I

Post by chucksteel » Thu Aug 22, 2013 9:28 am

Maybe your Right rise maybe I took that wrong and if so I apologize! Although people need to try to understand we have a lot going on, almost every day I have someone needing help spamming me with PM's or private chats! I try to respond to them all which takes time away from TTW itself.

We haven't even gotten to the point of thinking about fleshing out the back story on how the Lone wanderer becomes the courier but it is something we fully intend on doing. Tricky was just talking possible lore or possible explanations we may use nothing set in stone. again we haven't gotten that far yet. 

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This isn't a thread for team

Post by TrickyVein » Thu Aug 22, 2013 2:06 pm

This isn't a thread for team members only so I can understand the confusion over whether statements like the one I made represent reality or just speculation. I guess that's my fault for divulging information in a public thread. It's nice to brainstorm and discuss things with other users.

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Huh. Seems I'm the only

Post by KennyMcCormick » Sun Aug 25, 2013 12:27 pm

Huh. Seems I'm the only person around here that's A-OK with the way it is right now. I like the "Meh, train's waitin' for ya, whenever you can scrape together 500 caps feel free to go to Vegas" system in place currently. I make my own continuity between the two wastelands, which varies playthrough to playthrough.


In TTW 1.4 I did a "Crawled out of the vault --> Went right to Vegas --> came back to DC after Hoover 2" play. I based it on the logic of "James was a bit of an arse, so the LW is going to be a rebellious little -beep- and leave him to rot for a while".

In my TTW 2.2 playthrough, though, I've gone down a different path. I figured this time James had explained what was going on before leaving the Vault, although in the heat of the moment the LW forgot entirely :P. But basically, this time, she wasn't pissed off at James, so she stuck around. I then went through with the main quest and various DC sidequests until I hit level 25 or so. Once 25 was reached and Take it Back! was completed, Liz, Jericho and Dogmeat took a well deserved vacation to Vegas, which included a LOT of gambling.  Came back to DC around level 40 or so with half a million caps and all sorts of shinies to screw the Enclave over with. Just before Who Dares Wins, Liz went back to Vegas to finish up a few more side quests there and give Lyon's BoS time to actually build their Tesla Cannons(GG Bethesda)...which, incidentally, went unused, but hey.


Both continuities fit nicely in my mind, and I like having the freedom of being able to make them on a whim due to how the train currently works. So, IMO, these changes should be made through a standalone plugin, rather than as a base feature in the main .esm/.esp files. That way people like me have the choice of not changing the continuity if they prefer to make their own.

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You're not alone, Kenny. I'm

Post by wfpeterson » Mon Aug 26, 2013 2:50 am

You're not alone, Kenny. I'm another who feels that the only proper start for the Fallout adventure is in the vault and, since the early days of RFCW, having the two games linked was so the LW/C could go back and forth between DC and NV while he found dad and saved New Vegas. If what I read between the lines of your post is true, I should have no problem in 2.2a doing quests from both games in whatever order I choose.

I don't think you have anything to worry about, most of the ideas I'm reading here that actually come from the developers are good. The only feature that would impact how we're playing is if they require that you complete certain quests in the CW before boarding the train, and I don't remember whether that idea came from a developer or not. If they implement some complicated scenario to justify a start in NV, we can just ignore it.

The plan to put quests between the train and Doc Mitchell's, to make things consistent with Lonesome Road, is the best idea since whoever started RFCW. I would really be happy with that, the tying together of a consistent storyline from the vault to Hoover Dam, including all DLCs.

There's so much being talked about and we on the outside know so little about what's really going to happen, that I'm not going to fret about what may or may not happen. My thinking is that when we see the release with a lot of new features, that's the time for us users to looking into patches to make the game more to our liking. Just like what happened with the original games.

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wfpeterson wrote: If what I

Post by TJ » Mon Aug 26, 2013 4:28 am

[quote=wfpeterson] If what I read between the lines of your post is true, I should have no problem in 2.2a doing quests from both games in whatever order I choose.[/quote]

You didn't figure that one out for yourself in this amount of time?

[quote=wfpeterson]I don't remember whether that idea came from a developer or not. If they implement some complicated scenario to justify a start in NV, we can just ignore it.[/quote]

Yes it came from a dev. You ignored it.

[quote=wfpeterson]The plan to put quests between the train and Doc Mitchell's, to make things consistent with Lonesome Road, is the best idea since whoever started RFCW. I would really be happy with that, the tying together of a consistent storyline from the vault to Hoover Dam, including all DLCs.[/quote]

You realize this completely contradicts your previous paragraph right? Why would you want a consistent narrative if you can't stand the fact we're taking away your ability to run around all willy nilly throwing continuity out the window?

[quote=wfpeterson]My thinking is that when we see the release with a lot of new features, that's the time for us users to looking into patches to make the game more to our liking. Just like what happened with the original games.[/quote]

Why wait when you can start destroying Chuck, Jax, and Tricky's hard work now?

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